Inicio Etiquetas Ley del ISR

Etiqueta: Ley del ISR

¿Cuál es la mejor forma de calcular el ISR a aguinaldos...

The date for the delivery of Christmas bonuses is approaching and there are two procedures for calculating the income tax to be withheld: the...

Nueva advertencia del SAT a trabajadores: Revisen su recibo de nómina...

Mucho hemos hablado sobre los cambios e implementaciones que ha hecho el SAT este 2023 con respecto a la nómina. Pues el Servicio de Administración...

More than 30.4 (What is in the Law)

Last issue I told you about the Myth of 30.4, but this time I will tell you about a couple of legal rules where the 30.4...

Closing the payroll in 2022

It is very normal that during the month of December every year, everyone is in an accelerated pace making preparations of all kinds, because the nominees...
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