Home Authors Publications by David Lozada Martínez

David Lozada Martinez

38 Publicaciones 0 COMENTARIOS

Cierre de año, apertura de año

¡La última y nos vamos! La verdad es que los fines de año son muy emocionantes para los que nos dedicamos a calcular nóminas, por...

Calendario de Nómina 2024 [Descargable]

El marco legal vigente en México establece el cumplimiento de obligaciones patronales en fechas específicas, las cuales debemos tener presentes quienes nos dedicamos a...

¿Cuál es la mejor forma de calcular el ISR a aguinaldos...

The date for the delivery of Christmas bonuses is approaching and there are two procedures for calculating the income tax to be withheld: the...

Mitos de la nómina: Los préstamos hechos a los trabajadores “se...

Es frecuente que los patrones otorguen préstamos personales a sus trabajadores, aunque no existe obligación legal hacia los patrones para realizar los préstamos. Hasta ahí,...

More than 30.4 (What is in the Law)

Last issue I told you about the Myth of 30.4, but this time I will tell you about a couple of legal rules where the 30.4...

Payroll Myths presents: The Myth of 30.4

There are concepts, phenomena, ideas, manifestations, etc. that suddenly appear, become accepted and massified, generating a halo of mysticism around them. Y...

Understanding FONACOT: Obligations for the "employer".

Surely we have heard at some point in our lives of the existence of FONACOT, but there is still a great deal of ignorance on the part of employers...

SAT invitation letters, "Tax Terrorism".

Throughout the history of the SAT, we have been "bombarded" with a diversity of messages, in a variety of forms, with reminders to comply with...

BREAKING NEWS: Integration of Employee Profit Sharing Surpluses

IMSS Ruling number 02/2023/NV/SBC-LSS-27-IV was published today in the DOF regarding the integration to the contribution base salary (SBC) of...

Obtaining the RFC of the workers by the employer

The CFDI version 3.3 for payroll receipts has finally been discontinued and now only the CFDI version 3.3 must (and can) be used....
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