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Etiqueta: multas

Tribunal Laboral impone multas millonarias por subcontratación

El Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) y la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS) han cancelado 1,755 registros del Padrón Público de Contratistas...

¡Haz este trámite del SAT antes de que termine 2023 para...

Pareciera que últimamente tocamos muchos temas referentes a las multas del SAT, pero no es ninguna sorpresa, pues este 2023 ha traído cambios históricos...

Can the SAT forgive fines? Here are some of them

We have talked a lot about the different SAT fines and penalties; but the Tax Administration Service can also "help" you when it comes to...

Less ISR with "Back to School" assistance

Lately we have been discussing all the fines you can receive from the authority. But on this occasion, we will talk about tax benefits for companies that...

Last warning: SAT to monitor workers' payrolls

Lately we have been discussing several news about the Tax Administration Service (SAT), this time they communicated that they will implement a new measure regarding...

In addition to fines, are there more penalties for not invoicing with CFDI?

A few days ago, with the end of CFDI 3.3, we talked about the fines with which the SAT could penalize us for not invoicing in...

CFDI 3.3 is going away! Avoid fines of $112 thousand for...

Now the time has come, the CFDI payroll in its version 3.3 will cease to be valid as of July 1, 2009.

IMSS discloses figures generated by fines to companies

In other articles we have talked about IMSS fines, and even the consequences they can generate. Now we know the new exact amount that...

How much does an IMSS and INFONAVIT fine cost? Here's how to avoid them

Did you know that there are fines for non-compliance with IMSS, INFONAVIT and SAT? Let's start with the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS). All individuals...

The IMSS can garnish your bank accounts! Here's how to avoid it

It is no news that by owning a business and becoming an "employer", we acquire a series of responsibilities before certain institutions such as the...
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