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Label: CFDI

The addenda, a complement to the CFDI

Ya hemos platicado sobre la importancia de tener nuestra información fiscal en orden para no tener sorpresas por parte de la autoridad. La facturación...

Important dates for payroll 2023 (1st two-month period)

Let's take a look at the important dates in this first two-month period in terms of social security and annual returns, in order to align our agenda and...

Closing the payroll in 2022

It is very normal that during the month of December every year, everyone is in an accelerated pace making preparations of all kinds, because the nominees...

Another extension? Yes, another extension!

It had been a long time since the SAT had given so many extensions to the entry of a new tax provision and, in order not to lose the...

Is it necessary to issue CFDI for payroll advances?

It is common, and to a certain extent normal, for an employee to request a payroll advance due to an emergency or unforeseen event. In many of these...

Extra, extra! SAT gives until 2023 for electronic invoice 4.0

The issue of version 4.0 of the SAT's Digital Tax Receipt (CFDI) continues to be a hot topic. After millions of...
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