Inicio Etiquetas Outsourcing

Etiqueta: outsourcing

Tribunal Laboral impone multas millonarias por subcontratación

El Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) y la Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social (STPS) han cancelado 1,755 registros del Padrón Público de Contratistas...

IMSS va por las empresas que aún trabajan con Outsourcing

Ya se cumplieron dos años de que se reformó la Ley Federal del Trabajo (LFT) en materia de subcontratación o outsourcing. Con esto, se permitió,...

New updates to REPSE

It seems that soon there will be modifications to the agreement that establishes the general provisions for the registration of individuals or legal entities that...

Does your company provide any of these services? Register it in the REPSE...

The Outsourcing Reform has brought a series of benefits and some obligations for workers, one of which is the REPSE. The REPSE or...

Outsourcing reform and the annual tax return

As we all know, last year several laws were reformed to prohibit the outsourcing of labor, or "outsourcing" as it is known...
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