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Gross salary: What are payroll payments?

A couple of weeks ago we talked about payroll withholdings, how to identify them and why they subtract so much from the salary we receive.....

Time to prepare the 2022 OCT payroll

It may seem too early for many of you to prepare the payroll for the 2022 profit sharing, but it really...

Get your Tax Status Certificate from SAT from your cell phone

As you may recall, since last year the issue of workers obtaining the Constancia de Situación Fiscal (Tax Status Certificate) has been a constant issue for...

What are payroll withholdings and why should I pay...

Do you know what payroll withholdings are, pay period after pay period? Surely, if you have been paying attention to your receipts...

Payroll Tax (ISN): Changes in 2023

The Payroll Tax is a fee that the State requires from employers for transactions corresponding to labor relations...

Can artificial intelligence calculate payroll? We put ChatGPT to the test

In the last few weeks we have been surprised with all that artificial intelligence can achieve. Specifically the ChatGPT platform to which...

Your annual SAT return in 3 steps

The annual tax return is a mandatory requirement that all individuals and corporations must file with the Tax Administration System (SAT). It must be made...

Payroll Calendar 2023 [Downloadable].

Payroll work generates obligations that must be fulfilled in periods already defined by the legal framework in force in Mexico. Failure to comply...

Do you provide specialized services? STPS strengthens surveillance on subcontracting

As we know, there have been updates to the law regarding outsourcing. But the reality is that many companies have disregarded...

The addenda, a complement to the CFDI

Ya hemos platicado sobre la importancia de tener nuestra información fiscal en orden para no tener sorpresas por parte de la autoridad. La facturación...
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Tired of your payroll system or doing the process with manual Excel?

You are just a click away from solving those problems with Zentric Payroll System.