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Label: Federal Labor Law

Did the STPS sanction you? It could have been because of Infonacot

Previously we talked about Fonacot and its bases. Let's remember that it was published in 1974, as a response of the Federal Government to the demands of the workers...

Less ISR with "Back to School" assistance

Lately we have been discussing all the fines you can receive from the authority. But on this occasion, we will talk about tax benefits for companies that...

Understanding FONACOT: Obligations for the "employer".

Surely we have heard at some point in our lives of the existence of FONACOT, but there is still a great deal of ignorance on the part of employers...

How does payroll portability work?

Payroll is not only important for employees and companies, but also for banks. On this occasion we tell you about...

SAT invitation letters, "Tax Terrorism".

Throughout the history of the SAT, we have been "bombarded" with a diversity of messages, in a variety of forms, with reminders to comply with...

Sunday Premium: According to the law, how much must be paid for...

According to the Federal Labor Law (LFT), all companies are required to give at least one day of rest to their employees.

Vacation bonus: Is it paid at vacation time or annually?

We can't deny it, we all get excited when we plan and request vacations from our jobs. Give ourselves a break and enjoy a few days to ourselves. In...

BREAKING NEWS: Integration of Employee Profit Sharing Surpluses

IMSS Ruling number 02/2023/NV/SBC-LSS-27-IV was published today in the DOF regarding the integration to the contribution base salary (SBC) of...

In addition to fines, are there more penalties for not invoicing with CFDI?

A few days ago, with the end of CFDI 3.3, we talked about the fines with which the SAT could penalize us for not invoicing in...

How long does it take to resolve labor disputes?

In the world of work, the role of the employer and the collaborator becomes a relationship between the two, and unfortunately many of them end in...
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